Training modules: We develop and disseminate training modules as part of the AIQ-XMaS simulator.

Classroom piloting: We pilot the CyberMAGICS training modules in classroom setting at USC and Howard University.

  • MASC 515 (USC)- Basics of machine learning for materials introduces basics of materials modeling using machine learning (ML) and data science techniques.
  • MASC 520 (USC)- Mathematical methods for deep learning provides students with in-depth knowledge of mathematics needed to understand convolutional/recurrent neural networks and deep generative models.
  • MASC 575 (USC)- Basics of atomic simulation of materials coves molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of structural, thermodynamic and transport properties.
  • MASC 576 (USC)- Molecular dynamics simulations of materials and processes focuses on advanced correlation functions for structural and dynamical properties.
  • PHYS 513 (USC)- Application of quantum computers provides foundation and hands-on experience on both quantum-gate circuits and adiabatic quantum computers to solve scientific problems.
  • PHYS 516 (USC)- Methods of computational physics provides hands-on training on numerical methods in the context of physics simulations. website
  • CSCI 596 (USC)- Scientific computing and visualization teaches parallel computing and visualization for scientific applications. website
  • CSCI 653 (USC)- High performance computing and simulations covers advanced parallel and distributed algorithms, and massive data visualization and analytics in virtual reality environments. website
  • CSCI 699 (USC)- Extreme-scale quantum simulations addresses algorithmic and computing technologies that will make quantum-mechanical simulations metascalable on future computers. website
  • PHYS 235 (Howard)- Molecular simulation teaches basics of classical and quantum MD simulations to study various properties of matter.
  • CHE 502 (Howard)- Advanced chemical engineering thermodynamics teaches fundamentals of thermodynamics such as energy, reversibility, and phase/chemical equilibria.

Workshops: To further train broader users, we organize one workshop each in Los Angeles and Washington, DC annually.

The first workshop has been announced and is due to be held visrually from June 30th to July 2nd. Applicants who are interested can find information on how to fill the application here.

You may now view the workshop schedule from the embedded link.