AIQ-XMaS (AI & quantum-computing enabled exascale materials simulator): A new generation of quantum materials simulator that integrates exascalable quantum, reactive and neural-network molecular dynamics simulations with unique AI and quantum-computing capabilities to study a wide range of materials and devices of high societal impact.


QXMD: Nonadiabatic quantum molecular dynamics (NAQMD) simulations of ultrafast photoexcitation dynamics involving electrons and atoms.

RXMD-NN: Reactive molecular dynamics (RMD) and neural-network molecular dynamics (NNMD) simulations provide quantum accuracy at a fraction of computing time.

MAITAI: Materials informatics technology enabled by AI, including reinforcement and active learning to design optimal nano-architectures and deep generative models to find transition pathways.

MISTIQS: Quantum materials dynamics assisted by machine learning (ML) on emerging quantum computers (e.g., IBM Q and Rigetti Aspen).

EZFF: Easy force-field development and novel Pareto-frontal uncertainty quantification (UQ) to quickly start simulating new materials.

GEARS: Immersive and interactive user interface to develop and perform simulations and experiments in virtual reality (VR).